Whatever you're preparing for the best warm-ups are active and movement-based, rather than static. This helps you identify areas of tightness and stiffness so you can work them through using the movements typical of the activity you're about to undertake.
Active preparation.
Power Plate activates the muscles, ligaments and tendons in the direction of the movement you are about to perform. Poorly activated muscles can be tight and more prone to injury, so planning time to prepare is vital to reduce risk of injury.
At Theraspace we incorporate Porwer Plate warm up into almost all routines and workouts.
Preparation examples.
Single leg squat to knee drive:
30-45 secs each foot / 30-35 Hz, low
A movement designed to promote whole body activation as well as reducing risk of developing runner’s knee.
Standing Inner Hip Stretch with Reach 30-35 Hz low / 30-60 secs each leg x 2
This dynamic flexibility exercise will activate the hips, the power-house of the body, as well as the upper back and shoulders for the explosive movements and changes of direction required for making shots all over the court.